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March into Spring

Time to get back in the garden!

  | Published: March 11, 2022

March is the perfect time to get back in the garden and prepare your gardens for spring.

It’s been a long, but mild winter and it’s time to get your hands dirty! March is the perfect time to clean up your garden in the northeastern United States. While most of your flowers probably haven’t sprouting up yet here are a few gardening tips to get your gardens ready for the spring ahead. 

-Cut back any perennials or ornamental grasses you left standing over the winter so they are 3-4” tall this will help stop critters from nibbling on any new growth.

-Prune your summer blooming shrubs like hibiscus and buddleia.

-Plant deciduous trees and shrubs as soon as you can work the ground. 

-Perennials should be divided every 3 years if your perennials need dividing later in the month is the perfect time to do so.

Posted in: General Plant Info
